Thursday 14 January 2016

Yes, We've Had A Wardrobe Malfunction ...

It seems that the change over from Picassa Web Albums to Google Images, within the Blogger environment, is a slightly rocky road.

All the images we've posted in the past year have disappeared into the ether(net).  Right now we are working to recover them, starting with the most recent posts and working backwards. This will take some time...

Please have patience, and normal service will eventually be restored.

January 21st Update - Over half the images have now been restored.  We expect the rebuild to be complete within a few days. 

1 comment:

  1. We've been through a similar issue with Picassa vs Google + images, only our images aren't totally lost, they still exist and are visible in our blog, only we can't find any way to view the album or edit them anymore. They amount to several hundred images from way back when google had a product called Hello which merged with Picassa, and now are on Google + Photos, except these older ones cannot be found anywhere.

    The worst part of this is that we have been unable to get ANY support from Google on this issue, no email no phone, no chat, it's totally unsupported. I got this reply from on Google support person: "Unfortunately, the Picasa and Google+ Help Center does not have the same phone, chat and email support like Google Drive. You can only check the help center and forums for the answers to your concern. There is no other support for these Google products."


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